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Thermal Imaging Core TC160/TC384
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ULIRvision thermal imaging core is a compact, lightweight, all-in-one thermal imager with outstanding sensitivity and excellent image quality. With advanced thermal image processing, TC160 & TC 384 provide crisp thermal video images which can be displayed on virtually any monitor that accepts composite outstanding image quality and sensitivity.

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Zhejiang ULIRvision Technology Co., LTD

Adres: 17F Block C,Sunwave Building,581 Huoju Avenue, Binjiang District, 310052 Hangzhou

Nr telefonu: +86 (0)571 8720 9885 Skopiuj

Faks: +86 (0)571 8512 5358 Pokaż numer Skopiuj

Komunikator: Skype: ULIRvision_Jack

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