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Faulhaber robotic
Powrót do listy produktów Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2022-08-17
Microcyber WirelessHART Smart Gateway

Numer katalogowy:

WirelessHART smart wireless gateway is in charge of establishment, management and maintenance of WirelessHART network, and network optimization, to make the devices in the network work in the effective and safe situation. Meanwhile WirelessHART smart gateway integrates device wireless information in the network to the PC system or data application, and provides related security assurance.

WirelessHART smart wireless gateway has the leading data reliability, network safety and advanced customer experience. It provides Web service for real-time network running check and data, without any restrictions. The engineer shall check abundant device status and device information in the Web service. And it provides total configuration function and the user may configure the device at any time and anyway.

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