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Powrót do listy produktów Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2017-08-03
Wire Mesh Fence/Welded Mesh Fence/Metal Wire Fencing

Anping Tenglu Metal Wire Mesh Co.LTD

Wire Mesh Fence/Welded Mesh Fence/Metal Wire Fencing

General sizes of wire fence:

Fence width: 3M
Fence height: 1.2M, 1.5M
Mesh spacing : 40mm x 200mm;75mmx150mm
Mesh fabric thickness: 3.0mm

Fencing wire mesh fabric material : Hot dip galvanized, electro galvanized, aluminum mesh or stainless steel mesh
Fence frame material can be aluminum, galvanized or stainless steel.
Fences can be horse fences, deer fence, expressway fences, etc.

Diamond Woven Wire Fences:
Safety Fence
Made with twisted horizontal wires tied together in a diamond pattern.
Application: Perimeter fence line.

Horse fences is made with closely woven wire in a 2"x4" vertical mesh pattern.

PVC coated mesh fence is available in green, white, grey and other colors.

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