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Screwed Stainless Steel Y Type Strainer

Our Stainless Steel Y Type Strainer Screwed is compact, easy to clean and features a removable drain plug and 316 Stainless Steel 1mm screen mesh with 2mm pitch. It provides an economical solution and is recommended for applications where damage to valves and other related mechanical equipment needs to be avoided.

Pipeline debris including dirt and scale is often the cause of failure, damage, energy loss and a reduction in productivity.

Suitable for semi aggressive applications found in chemical and process industries.

Key features:
Available with 316 (CF8M) body and cap in Screwed BSPP,
sizes: 1/4″ up to 4″.
S.S. 316 investment casting body
Working pressure of 800 psi
Suitable for full range of liquids and gas (WOG)
Temperature range: -20°C to 180°C .
Available in 20 mesh (≈ 1 mm) or 140 mesh (≈ 100 mc) screens
FxF NPT threaded ends to ANSI B1.20.1
Designation – Material

Body – SS 316 (CF8M)

Bonnet – SS 316 (CF8M)

Gasket – PTFE

Screen – SS 304

STV Valve Technology Group Co., Ltd is a professional leader China 800 WOG Y Strainer,Screwed Strainer , Screwed Y Strainer Screwed Y Strainer,STAINLESS STEEL (316) Y-STRAINER,Stainless Steel Strainer,Y-type strainer,NPT Y Strainer,Female Bspp Y Strainer Manufacturer with high quality and competitive price.

Please contact our sales@stvvalve.com for other materials and details.

Date Sheet:
Screwed Stainless Steel Y Type Strainer

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Stv Valve Technology Group Co.,limited

Adres: 88# ,Jifeng Road,Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province,325025, 325025 wenzhou

Nr telefonu: 15157766245 Skopiuj

Komunikator: skype:jeany5678

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