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Powrót do listy produktów Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2020-03-20
PANAMETRICS - Optica Higrometr Wilgotnościomierz Lusterkowy


Wersja polska w opracowaniu.

KONTAKT w PL: +48 607 700 387

The Optica Hygrometer offers precision dew point measurement. Precisely controlled by GE's chilled mirror sensing technology - providing NIST traceable humidity,temperature and pressure measurement anywhere via the worldwide intranet.

Opis produktu
The Optica Hygrometer measures dew point temperature by regulating the temperature of a polished metal mirror by the use of optical feedback such that a constant mass of dew or frost is maintained. The temperature of the mirror is measured with a precise PRTD and is by definition equal to the dew or frost point.

Zalety i korzyści
Simultaneously measure and display dew point, temperature, and pressure
Display any humidity parameter
Ethernet ready, so you can access GE Optica hygrometers via the Internet for remote monitoring applications
Data logger function lets you record & upload weeks of data
Primary NIST Traceable Humidity Transfer Standard
Accuracy to +/- 0.15°C

Service Types
Calibration - In-House
Repair - In-House

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Adres: Wroclawska 14, 41-902 Bytom

Nr telefonu: +48 607 700 387 Skopiuj

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