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Suzhou Veichi Electric CO., Ltd.
Powrót do listy produktów Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2020-03-20
PANAMETRICS - OptiSonde Higrometr Wilgotnościomierz Lusterkowy / Mirror Hygrometer


Wersja polska w opracowaniu.

KONTAKT w PL: +48 607 700 387

The OptiSonde Hygrometer offers precision humidity and temperature measurement. GE's proven chilled mirror sensing technology provides data which is traceable to global metrology and standards laboratories.

Opis produktu
The OptiSonde chilled mirror hygrometer is a humidity transfer standard available in benchtop or wall mounted configurations. These compact rugged analyzers are connected to either a single or two-stage chilled mirror sensor and PRTD. Chilled mirrors are the humidity sensors of choice when laboratory and process measurements require high precision without long-term drift.

Zalety i korzyści
Compact and rugged design for easy installation and durability
Built-in data logger provides ability to record historical data
Sensor conveniently plugs into wall mount chassis for facility monitoring, eliminating the need to run cable
Sensors may be connected up to 91 m away via cable for remote monitoring
Displays and transmits in a variety of parameters, such as dew point, relative humidity, dry bulb, wet bulb, absolute h umidity, volume ratio, and mass ratio, offering flexibility during operation
Digital (RS-232) interface for data integrity
PanaViewTM software transfers data from the meter to a PC for additional storage and enables data to be viewed graphically
Easy to configure using the front panel for simple operation
Humidity measurements are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Traceability (NIST)

Environmental test chambers
Engine test cells
Clean rooms
Air conditioning and heat exchange coil testing
Metrology labs

Service Types
Calibration - In-House
Repair - In-House

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Adres: Wroclawska 14, 41-902 Bytom

Nr telefonu: +48 607 700 387 Skopiuj

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