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Powrót do listy produktów Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2023-05-29

PLC, HMI, Soft Starter, Servo, Inverter, Remote I/O

As a professional industrial automation company ,Kernal Automation Company have been
focusing on providing the good service in the global in the past of decades. Good Prices and services are the both what we are working for. What we could help ?
(1)Fast Delivery

(2)Get what our clients need and delivery what they want.

(3) Big inventory of industrial automation products

Not only providing the offers of all kinds of industrials automation goods , we also offer
after-sales service and maintain the long term relationship with clients from all over the
world. We insist that benefits are not the first , but client is.


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kernal automation

Adres: Room 401, 518112 China

Nr telefonu: +8615014973918 Skopiuj

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