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Suzhou Veichi Electric CO., Ltd.
Powrót do listy produktów Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2017-06-26
Wire Mesh Gabion Mattress

Anping Tenglu Metal Wire Mesh Co.LTD

Wire Mesh Gabion Mattress

Mattress of hexagonal steel mesh netting is made with the type of 6x8mesh. The diameter of the wire mesh is 2.2 mm. Gabion mattresses for the distribution and connection of the place meeting the appropriate fraction of stones.

Erosion control slopes
Forming sides of the river bed and flows
Erosion control shores and tanks
Backing landfills

3x2x0.25m; 3x3x0.25m; 4x2x0.25m; 5x2x0.25m; 6x2x0.25m;
3x2x0.3m; 3x3x0.3m; 4x2x0.3m; 5x2x0.3m; 6x2x0.3m

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