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Powrót do listy produktów Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2020-01-03
Zawory odcinające stal nierdzewna,do 16 bar

Zawory odcinające stal nierdzewna,do 16 bar

Numer katalogowy:
Zawory odcinające stal nierdzewna,do 16 bar

Screwed Stainless Steel Gate Valve,200PSI,CF8M Body,NPT End

Screwed Stainless Steel Gate Valve,200PSI,CF8M Body,NPT End
Our Screwed Stainless Steel Gate Valve is suitable for general purpose industrial applications, fluids and aggressive chemicals. A robust 200 PSI rated manual valve with Stainless Steel body and non-rising stem, Hand wheel Operated in Screwed BSP end connections and 200 PSI rated.

Screwed Stainless Steel Gate valves are maintenance free, economical and feature a 316 Stainless Steel body, bonnet and Ductile Iron painted hand wheel.

Key features:
Available in Screwed BSP,NPT
sizes: 1/2″ to 4″.
Stainless Steel body with PTFE seals.
Temperature range: -20°C to 180°C.
Pressure rating: 200 PSI.
Design Hand wheel Non Rising Stem
Manufacturer STV

Date Sheet:

Screwed Stainless Steel Gate Valve

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Stv Valve Technology Group Co.,limited

Adres: 88# ,Jifeng Road,Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province,325025, 325025 wenzhou

Nr telefonu: 15157766245 Skopiuj

Komunikator: skype:jeany5678

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